Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Turning 25 POY Style: Sue Sighting and Martha Mail

Hello Beautiful POY Women,

Welcome to the POU (Power of Us) Blog! It took me a few weeks to get it up and running. People keep asking me to do strenuous things like show up to work, read for class and pay my bills!! So I got a little sidetracked, but here it is!

After POY, I wasn't really sure how to re-enter my "normal" life. Being around such brilliant astounding incredibly wise women for 3 days--it made everything else in my life seem a little hum-drum. I was thinking about all of you continuously, but my realist self was wondering: will I really stay in touch or see any of them again?

Luckily I can report that April 7, 2009 (my 25th birthday) blew these fears out of the water. Around noon, a co-worker took me out to lunch for my birthday. As we were approaching the deli I saw this beautiful blond playing with two small children. She looked happy and relaxed--like the kind of person I want to be! As I got closer I discovered to my surprise: it was Sue!! After exchanging hugs and introductions (my co-worker and her two gorgeous grandchildren) we got to talking about how POWERFUL the POY actually was. I was so happy to have a "Sue Sighting" as we called it and promised her I would write about it on the blog.

Sue left the deli shortly before I did and we committed to staying in touch. When I went to pay my bill--my lunch and my co-workers lunch had been "taken care of." Not only this, but our waitress brought out a small cake with a candle and said "Sue wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday again and remind you to celebrate and love yourself today!" I was completely blown away.

When I arrived back at my desk there was another surprise--a birthday card from Martha which she had mailed to my office!! Her words were so encouraging and meaningful, I was brought to tears. An especially poignant portion read: "On many occasions in my life, I allowed circumstances to influence how I lived life instead of choosing to react differently. I've now given myself permission--I hope you have too!" A few emails from Beroz and Margo pushed me over the edge: I knew it was time to blog!

Here are a few things I've taken away from POY (and I can't wait to hear all about yours):

  • All the wisdom I need is already inside of me
  • I can control my own destiny: though I cannot control what happens to me, I can control how I respond
  • Sometimes the most important thing I can do is stop "doing" for a moment, and remember my worth
For fun, I've included a photo of myself starting to overcome one of my many fears/anxieties:

[Candace--I'll be calling you this summer so I can work toward literally mounting this fear!!]

With love, respect and so much appreciation,


  1. Holly, thank you so much for setting this up! I have begun to realize that the impact of POY will continue to reveal itself in the weeks, months and likely years ahead. I continue to be amazed - much like you - at how POY people/experiences re-enter my life when I need them most. The last couple of days have been very challenging for me in my personal life, as I continue to grieve the end of my marriage (god, it was 2 years ago, can I please be done with this?) and prepare to go to Houston for a session with my son. And then - poof! - here comes the blog into my inbox. A visible reminder of the strength I uncovered during our time together, combined with Holly's thoughtful and supportive words. I am so grateful for this beautiful day and all you beautiful women. One of my affirmations was "let it go." Easier said than done, but I am working on it!

    Hugs to everyone!

  2. Hello all --- I am SO glad that Holly set this up. This will be a wonderful way to keep up on what all of you talented and dynamic women are doing. I want to thank each and every one of you for your support at the POY workshop. You don't know how much it meant to me -- that you allowed me to grieve a part of my life that is over, and now, I am ready to move forward.
    I'm with Tracy --- I believe the Power of Us will be revealed over time, and will only build on what we learned about ourselves and each other in those incredible 2 and a half days.
    Cheers to all of you --- M.

  3. Holly thank you so much for setting this up! It is great to be able to stay connected with all of you after such a powerful 3 days.

    I learned so much from each of you and am thankful for that supportive space to learn and share.

    I've tried to put many of the great things I learned into practice and to focus on believing and working to make that happen. Every day, small steps to making bigger goals happen.

    I hope you are all doing well!

  4. I'm laying on my bed in a hotel in Atlanta with an amazing lightening show out my window; reading your wonderful posts and feeling the power and energy of us all taping into our life force. Holly, you've created a wonderful place for us to share our stories! May you have an incredible trip!

  5. Talk about a small world! I'm meeting a new contact this morning over in Clyde Hill -- and who do I run into in the coffee shop, but Tracy!! What a pleasant surprise. Tracy -- you look terrric by the way!
